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Spirit Awake

The founders of Spirit Awake, terry & Lynn Forrest bring a host of skills to their healing, mentoring and personal development practice. From spiritual counselling, Reiki healing and shamanism to nature-based ceremony and holistic wellness.


Decades as practitioners has allowed them to become experienced in understanding that the whole self must be included in any aspects of healing and creating new ways to live our lives.

If you are changing old patterns, forging a more authentic self but finding that there’s something just not clicking into place, then it’s likely you need to turn to a spiritual aspect of your healing.

Here terry & Lynn can help with consultation, distant healing, personal ceremony and other things to support a more cohesive recovery.


"What can an internet face-to-face consultation do for you from eight thousand miles away? More than you would believe".

You know when you’ve got to that point of thinking: “I know I’m not seeing the whole picture. I know there’s something more” but you just can’t get past the point you’re stuck at? Then your next step is to discover your spiritual connection.

How do you do that? From their home in Sweden, they gather all their expertise and knowledge rooted in Celtic earth-based spirituality to bring you what you need right now to evolve into the life you want for yourself.

Using their experience of introducing people to spiritual development, meditation, healing, shamanism and holistic ways of thinking and behaving, discover your authentic self and the reasons why that will bring you the best life you could wish for.


"Modern society doesn’t always teach us about what will enrich our lives and give us tools to develop and enhance our experiences". 

A consultation and subsequent tailor-made sessions with Spirit Awake’s practitioners will awaken you to your wider potential and give you tools to benefit you for the rest of your life.


Each online session lasts 45 minutes to an hour aiming to empower you to take the next step in your healing process.

Initial consultation $120

Subsequent sessions: $100 each or planned 6sessions over 6 weeks for $500.


Appropriate action will be identified during your consultation session and a time for carrying it out will be scheduled.

These sessions help you to be mindful of traditional wisdom, showing how it can be relevant in today’s life, helping you to achieve your true path and enabling you to balance work, life, relationships and a sense of fulfilment.


"The joy in knowing that we give people the self-confidence, trust and belief through connection to the spiritual aspect of life is as uplifting for us as it is for you. This is a road walked together, with our expertise and experience signposting your way to the wholeness you desire".


Further information about us and what we do can be seen on our website:






Love and light, terry and Lynn. 

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